Wow... this set of uploads is special. More details on what this post is along with VODs and links inside!
Near the end of 2023, we decided to start doing a recap series on the Twitch channel called EDC Discord Music Night Rewind. We've run this twice weekly show for 10 months now. This was a way to showcase three previous MNL sets that we had accrued in the previous year and a half of running the show.
Our one-year anniversary of Rewind is coming up in November and what better way to kick off the celebrations than a SURPRISE LIVE REWIND! WHAT?! But, you just told me Rewind was past Music Night LIVE sets, re-aired, what is a LIVE REWIND show?! Funny you may ask because even I didn't know until tonight!
Papabear and Ronin (HXADCBL) surprised us with a special guest in the MNL Studios, our very own DJ Panda! She's in town for a huge EDC Discord meetup for a local show and decided to stop by the studios to meet up with our show runners, and they decided to take this Rewind episode to the next level and mix live!
Remember to tune into EDC Discord Music Night Rewind every Wednesday and Sunday evening at 8PM ET/5PM PT!
And don't forget, our next Music Night LIVE is on October 19th at 7pm ET! It will be our Halloween episode with plenty of spooky surprises! You don't want to miss this one!
We hope we see you live with us on
Twitch and on the EDC Discord! Here's a link to the EDC Discord Music
Night LIVE Twitch channel! Give us a follow to be notified when we go live!
Until we meet again under the electric sky, we vibe on Discord!
Set Order and Links
DJ Panda --
Papabear --